Mock Examinations

Mock Examinations

As summer GCSE and ‘A’ Levels examinations have been cancelled our examination marking service appears to be more important than ever.

Teachers may well be asked to submit the grade they believe the student would have received if exams had gone ahead, based on their performance in mock exams and classwork. The exam board will then combine this information with other relevant data, including prior grades, and produce a calculated grade for each student. 

The mock results for our clients to date have therefore taken on more importance than ever.

As our core business is marking papers for companies that deliver online training, our business will continue to operate during the current difficulties which will include the marking of mock examinations where and whenever they are required. 

Papers received on Friday for marking included mocks in Biology, Geography and English Literature with other papers due to be received this coming week.

Looking ahead, it is likely that we may have to move to marking mocks against scanned papers or to mark student work in ‘Word’, all of which we undertake for commercial clients.

Give us a call to see how we can work together during these difficult times.

Joanne, Denise, and Elenore are all available to help by calling initially on 01773 748866.