Our Training Room

Our Training Room

QA Training Room We have a fantastic training room here at QA Associates. It is a bright, comfortable and spacious classroom with bags of character that has room for up to 14 learners.

  • We have a projector so that trainers can show Powerpoint Presentations, slides, and DVD’s, as part of the training course.
  • There are a good number of laptops that can be set up with internet access for doing research and recording course material.
  • We have paper flip charts for group discussions and recording ideas during tasks.
  • We have lots of wall space for pinning up work during the course.
  • Toilet facilities are provided onsite
  • We have a hot and cold water machine with tea and coffee
  • There is plenty of floor space for demonstrating activities such as, CPR with first aid dummies
  • We can change the layout of the room to cater for individuals needs

QA Training Room 2

If you would like to find out more why not call Cheryl Stapleton on 01773 300296, email us at cherylstapleton@qa-associates.co.uk or have a look at our website www.qa-associates.co.uk