Examination Paper Marking

    QA Associates hope that everyone at schools, colleges and academies had a good summer and that GCSE and A Level examination results were as you wished for. We would like to thank those of you that used our external mock examination marking services last year and...

Over the last two months, QA Associates have worked on the assessment process for the on-going research project conducted by Dr. Martin Culliney and his team at Sheffield Hallam University - Integrating English. QA Project Manager, Ben Cocker had assembled a team of markers to complete...

QA Associates are pleased to announce that we are recruiting new members to join our team of markers for an upcoming project with Sheffield Hallam University. We are set to receive an extremely large batch of Key Stage 2 project papers between the dates of Monday...

During the year QA Associates have marked a large number of English Language, English Literature, Mathematics and Science mock GCSE examination papers for schools, colleges and academies throughout the country. Are you interested in using our services?  Visit our page: http://www.qa-associates.co.uk/exam-marking/ For further information call Denise on 01773...

QA Associates are pleased to announce that 66 students have successfully completed their qualification in Finance Business Partnering following a course of study with CIPFA. They have now achieved a BTEC Level 7 Advanced Professional Certificate in Finance Business Partnering.  QA Associates are the BTEC 'Approved Centre'...